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Here is what you can expect:

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Home Euthanasia
How does that work?

First, let's define "euthanasia".  The term comes from the Greek words meaning "good death".


Ultimately, our goal is to allow pets to escape suffering and leave this world with dignity and peace. While we all probably wish we could allow them to peacefully and comfortably pass in their sleep, that, unfortunately, is not what happens in the majority of "natural" deaths. 


Typically, if left to die on their own, the process is prolonged and is many times neither peaceful nor dignified. 

Therefore, the option of euthanasia, or "good death", allows us to release them in as peaceful and dignified a manner as we can manage.  It also allows us to be certain we are with them when they pass.


With Home Euthanasia, there is the added comfort of the process happening in the place where the pet and family are most comfortable.  Families can find solace in knowing their pet's last moments were spent at home, with no car ride or hectic medical office involved, surrounded by their family.


When Dr. Jisha arrives, she will meet the pet and family members who are present.  There is a short form for you to fill out.  Dr. Jisha will explain to everyone present exactly what is going to happen, answer any questions, and help everyone decide what level of participation is right for them.

She will give the first injection, which goes in the muscle, and the pet will slowly go to sleep. This usually takes a few minutes.  In that time, you can feed them treats, hold them, pet them, spend the time however you like.


After the pet is asleep, they are essentially in surgical anesthesia.  This means they are aware of nothing and feel nothing. This is when the second injection is given.  This is the overdose and will be given in a vein. Dr. Jisha will monitor for the heart to stop, which can sometimes take up to a few minutes. At that point, the procedure is finished.

This is the time for making pawprints, taking photographs for nose or paw print memorials, etc.

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